Hello earring peeps!
Sorry for the delay. Google has been messing with me and somehow froze my account - meaning I couldn't access this blog, my photos, my email - nothing! But I somehow found a way back in! Better late than never!
This month was a special challenge inspired by our friend and editor Loralee Kolton. She challenged ME to find a way to use quotes to be the inspiration. Challenge accepted!
I selected the quotes because they had a built in visual element to the words and because they spoke to me. I believe in wearing positive power mantras in my jewelry and this would be a very abstract way to do that. Only you would know that this is a representation of a powerful message. I like that bit of mystery.
So here are my four pairs of earrings. Which quote speaks to you?
I was thinking literally of stars when I read this quote. But I don't happen to have any star shaped beads. So I decided to seek out shiny crystals. And that is when I spotted a strand of these fun two-hole beads. They are tiny, like little pinponts of light, and they have the most magnificent flash of an AB color treatment (very hard to photograph). I wanted them to have a bit of a shooting star vibe, but my 16 gauge steel wire was not cooperating. In frustration, I crossed the ends of the paddles I had made, which reminded me of awareness ribbons. There are people that I know that are facing insurmountable odds and grave darkness with many different circumstances. And this quote speaks to me because you cannot appreciate the light without the darkness. It is a hope-full quote and one that resonates with me to also be that star shining in the darkness for another.

I have a friend who is the most positive person I know. She exudes a bubbly optimism that is infectious and striking. She and her husband own a cabin cruiser boat that they spend all summer on and when she knew that I was making this quote into a pair of earrings, she told me she immediately thought of her maritime adventures. I was at first thinking of maps and journeys. But as I worked through that thought I realized that I would need a lot more time to make that vision a reality. What I next considered were compass roses and arrows and the concept of true north. True North is the direction along the surface of the earth that points directly toward the North Pole. It is a fixed point that orients your entire world. To be successful, you need to stay on track, and your "true north" are your guiding principles, your core values and your most deeply held beliefs that point you in the right direction. To be truly you, this internal compass guides your way. Finding your "true north" means staking your integrity, fueling your passion, and taking steps to journey toward your one true goal - and that is different for every person.

Initially, I wanted to make something triangular that would call to mind a mountain, with a bright shining crystal at the top. For me a mountain is uncharted territory, and although it may be a steep climb, rife with pitfalls and downhill slides, reaching that summit is a goal. I imagine that the view from the top of a mountain is glorious and filled with light. I found these odd shaped golden crystals that I loved. And then I spotted these little triangular bead frames. I tried to make those top heavy crystals balance on top but it just didn't work. I was about to give up when I noticed that one had flipped upside down. That is when it all came together. And it reminded me of this quote...and how a change in perspective can make all the difference.

Acorns are a very powerful symbol of growth to me. I have little bowls of them in my house, and one that I found on a walk in my car as a reminder that from the smallest seeds can come the largest trees. I knew that I had to use an acorn for this pair. I have these lovely acorn bead caps, but I always struggle to find a bead in my stash that fits them properly. Then I spied some long-neglected ceramic beads by
MaryAnn Carroll. They have this band of the most yummy rust and apricot glaze and best of all they fit the caps! I remembered that I had a stash of enameled oak leaves from Anne of
Gardanne Beads and modified some Vintaj oak leaves to add some layering. This quote reminds me that the growing is the thing, not the seed, not the tree. It is not where you start from but where you are growing to that counts, and the day you stop growing, stop learning, stop striving is the day you die. I have a lot more rings left in this tree trunk!
I hope you enjoyed my journey through some favorite quotes! Which one is your favorite quote? One of these or another one? Be sure to add that to your comment as I am a collector of quotes and this was certainly a challenge, and fun, exercise! Thanks to Miss Loralee for suggesting it!
Your turn! Add your link below and be sure to hop around to see what everyone else created! (LinkyTools will be open for one week, so get your post in!)
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