
Friday, April 19, 2019

We're All Ears :: April :: Wanderlust

Every year for my daughter's dance studio I do a fundraiser for them to benefit the scholarship program that they started for the National Honor Society of Dance Arts. So for this years' theme of WONDERLUST I had a set of laser-engraved stainless steel charms created with messages of travel, exploration and striking out in to the big wide world. 

They are perfect for small charm necklaces, dangling off a bracelet and small enough for a simple pair of earrings. They are super-duper shiny, so it was hard to get a picture without a reflection. A little compass rose to remind you to follow the direction of your heart, and little blue stars to remember you to find that North Star and follow it.

Find the thing that lights your path like the North Star...
I also found some novelty charms in my stash and thought they would make some quirky earrings. I auditioned so many beads to go with this, but what I just decided to do was to thread some sterling silver slightly curved tubes. Plus if you every really do lose your way, you can take them off and find your direction because they are working compasses! 

Madison is where her path will begin...
On the Last First Day of school back in August 2018, I gifted my Very Special Senior daughter with a dainty gold compass rose necklace (no, she won't wear anything I create!) and a letter that ended like this...
"A compass points in four cardinal directions: North, South, East and West. Sailors used this directional guidance as they sailed stormy seas on long journeys. As you navigate this final year of high school and prepare for the journey beyond, we hope that this symbol will remind you to…

…look to the East and the wonderful possibilities and potential that is out there in the world, just over the horizon.
…look to the South by building warm and lasting relationships with friends, family, teachers and mentors.
…look to the West and remember where you have come from while never losing sight of where you are going.
…look to the North and find your North Star to push you onward toward your dreams while also guiding you to your true self."

It was my wish that she know these words at the start of her Senior year instead of at the end. I wanted to be sure to frame her year by taking a moment to look back and look forward and remind her that no matter where she goes, to always remember where she started from and always remember who loved her first and loves her best. Now at the end of this Very Special Year, I think it has taken root, because she wears that necklace almost everyday and it has become a cherished symbol to her that I think she treasures. I know she will carry it with her as Wanderlust takes hold and she starts to make her own pathway. Let the journey begin!

Now it is your turn. Show us your travel inspired WANDERLUST earrings! 

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  1. Those charms are just perfect for the Wonderlust theme. I hope they help raise lots for the scholarships. And, I adore the compass earrings you created. So fun! How great that your daughter has begun to cherish the necklace you created for her. I hope it's been a special year indeed.

  2. The black and silver quirky charms really speak to the wanderlust in me. I love the poignant letter that you wrote your daughter. It will be a constant reminder to be confident and experimental at the same time. In my opinion, It is the best gift a parent can give a child.

  3. What a wonderful challenge Erin. Love the earrings you made, especially the first pair. I wish your daughter a wonderful life journey and it is so great she has such a supportive mother.

  4. What a beautiful message - both in earrings and words!

  5. How beautiful, Erin. Love the message, and the earrings

  6. What a great collection of charms for your daughter's dance group! They indeed make fun earrings but the working compass pair steals the show for me!!

  7. Keep writing.We offer a wide selection of eternity-rings, diamond rings and engagement rings Sterling Silver Rings
